Applying to Dental Residency programs in the US

We’re here to help.

Ask us how we helped 365 dentists get through ADEA-PASS

An asian dds girl in a black coat is throwing her graduation cap in the air.

Why PASS simplified?

Dr. Nourah had enough odds stacked against her when she applied to the orthodontic residency program at UIC 2020.

She trained with the PASS Simplified team and impressed admissions committees at 16 Dental Residency Programs

The PASS Simplified team has since found success coaching over 300 dentists and helped them enter ADEA PASS Programs.

Make your admission journey navigable and predictable with us.

Why Adea PASS application support?

Securing a spot at a residency program is complicated. Many factors can influence your journey from the time you begin to shortlist schools, to the point you craft your interview responses that demonstrate cultural fit. We act as your torchlight, guiding your trek!

Interview Coaching

Application Guidance

Program Selection


Everything you need to know about ADEA PASS

Communication Coaches

To develop your story, preserving authenticity

Behavioural Modelling

To demonstrate fit to varying academic cultures

Credibility Framework

To differentiate yourself from the competition

Empathetic Guidance

To help you articulate the patient perception